Installing MM2,1, but Not XP SP2?



I have had enough troubles installing XP SP2. Both times, I had to use
recovery CD to get the computer working again by wiping the harddrive
clean to factory install condition.

However, I would very much like to upgrade the Windows Movie Maker to
v2.1 that now only comes with the SP2 update.

Found in the, there is some go around method
- download the SP2, expand the zipped files/directores; abort the SP2
installation; pick MM2.1 files only for installation.
(Change to *.bat to perform the MM2 installation)

If I choose to folow this suggestion, what need I go to preserve the
current data/programs installed, just in case that I am stricken again
by the same SP2 plague.

Or the risk is simply too big that is not worth the trouble.


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