installing IE 6SP1 on win98SE causes weird behaviour in windows explorer



i tried this twice from scratch
installing IE 6 on win98SE causes
this wierd behaviour in the
explorer folder pan

highlight change back from the newly selected
folder to the last folder that was selected
and then forward again to the newly selected
folder it's very eye distracting and silly
i tried fixing ie6 and reinstalling
but havent tried uninstalling

PA Bear

As asked in response to your identical question in OE6 newsgroup:

After installing IE6 SP1 (we'll assume), did you return to Windows Update
for the additional critical patches you'll need?


yeah i ve downloaded all the updates for IE6 SP1
and for a while i thought it was gone
but after a restart the same error happens again
i ve thrown ie 6 away i was using the 98 just as troubleshooting
last resort anyway it doesn't have to be perfect
thanx for stopping to help anyway
but if u think of another thing tell me i can try it

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