Installing complete backup on a new computer



I had Vista Business which I upgraded to Ultimate. I created a Complete

But now my computer has gone died on himself, so can I use that complete
backup on a new computer? Or can I in any way install with the same lisence I
had on the computer that died.


Joran said:
I had Vista Business which I upgraded to Ultimate. I created a Complete

But now my computer has gone died on himself, so can I use that complete
backup on a new computer? Or can I in any way install with the same lisence I
had on the computer that died.
Yes, you *should* be able to use your backup on your new computer
(assuming your new PC also runs Vista). That is why you created the
backup in the first place, right?

You didn't say which license you want to use on your new PC (Windows,
Office, etc.). In general, it depends on the type of license you had. If
it was an OEM license (i.e. it came pre-installed on your PC when you
bought it) then the answer is no, you cannot install it on your new PC.
The license "dies" with the PC it came with. If the license was retail,
then the answer is yes, you can install it on your new PC.


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