Installed Codecs



I have a program installed that used to work but is now failing.

I get an error message telling me that the program can't open an *.avi file.
It further suggests that I many not have Indeo 5.0 installed. ( the
way, I can successfully play the named *.avi file directly in Windows Media

Among MANY other things, I uninstalled and reinstalled the program. At the
completion of the reinstallation, I get an error message that says it can
find Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio Codec.

I have checked and both are installed and reoprted to be working correctly.

I have Win2000 Pro
SR 4 (rolled back to SR3 as part of the problem solving effort)
DirectX 9.0a (upgraded to 9.0b as part of the problem solving effort)
Microsoft GSM Audio Codec (version 4.0)
Indeo Audio Software (version 2.05)
Indeo Video Codec (version 5.10)
Athlon 2100+

Any ideas?



Search Google for a program called GSPOT. It will give a
complete list of installed audio and video codecs (many codecs
do not appear in Control Panel/Sounds and Multimedia).



Thanks George,
Yup! I had previously tried dxdiag and every directx test runs successfully.

Thanks again,

Have you tried dxdiag? Start | Run | dxdiag | OK.


I also ran GSPOT and it reported that the correct codecs were installed. I
used GSPOT to render the AVI file that was identified in the error message
and GSPOT reports that it was rendered correctly.

In addition, I can play the errant AVI file directly in Windows Media

However, the program (Jeopardy) still fails. (It used to run correctly.)

This is a tough one!


George Hester

Windows 2000 is not a game playing Op sys. When Windows 2000 first came out they released in no time at all four compatibility updates for Windows 2000 which were mostly for playing games in Windows 2000. These compatibility updates quickly disappeared and from what I have read they are included in the Service Packs now. But I can tell you what might be in one service may in fact not be in a later. The service packs of NT4 are one case in point.

So what service pack are you at? And have you applied them in consecutive order or have you skipped any? Ever applied these compatibility updates?


Sorry George,
I inadvertently sent my reply directly to you rather than the group.
Here is my intended reply.......

When I first installed Win 2000, I updated it to the then most recent
service pack 3. The program (Jeopardy) worked at that time. I subsequently
updated to Service Pack 4. I have also installed all security fixes. (I
removed Q329170 because it caused a shut down problem). In an effort to find
the source of my problem, I have subsequently removed SR4 as well as about
10 recently installed security patches but this didn't change the behavior
of the game.

I'm not aware of any compatibility updates. (I haven't seen anything listed
at MS Update)

I really can't say when the game ceased to function because games are rarely
played on this computer (only when my grandson visits).

I know that someone is going to suggest that I update to WinXP. Actually
this system came with WinXP. However, I hated it so much that I reformatted
and reverted back to Win2000. (WinXP SP1 slowed the computer to a crawl and
I had great difficulty getting some older hardware and software to work.)

Still struggling!

Windows 2000 is not a game playing Op sys. When Windows 2000 first came out
they released in no time at all four compatibility updates for Windows 2000
which were mostly for playing games in Windows 2000. These compatibility
updates quickly disappeared and from what I have read they are included in
the Service Packs now. But I can tell you what might be in one service may
in fact not be in a later. The service packs of NT4 are one case in point.

So what service pack are you at? And have you applied them in consecutive
order or have you skipped any? Ever applied these compatibility updates?

George Hester



Hi again,
Here is my latest investigation in response to George...

Yes I would have stayed away from SP3.
When I first installed Win2000, I updated it to SP3 and all the current
security patches
at that time. The program (Jeopardy) worked at that time.

Have you applied the DirectX 9a I think it is?
When I first noticed the program not working, I had already updated my
system to DirectX 9a.
I ran the trouble shooting wizard (dxdiag) and all tests were successful
Nonetheless, I then upgraded to DirectX 9b, ran dxdiag successfully but
Jeopardy still fails

Do you have this installed?;en-us;328310
Yes it is installed

You may need QFECheck:;en-us;282784
I downloaded and installed this one. It reports SP3 and all installed
patches "current on system"

....Yes it is still around:
This one is a download called "appupd.exe" that allows customers to add
additional application
support". Forgive me, but I always research everything before I download
and install it. It did
not turn up when I searched the MSKB. However, further research found
the following article:
This article indicates that the features of this update are included in
SP3. Therefore, I didn't
think I needed to install it.

However, Jeopardy still isn't working and I'm out of ideas. (short of
reinstalling Win2000 from scratch - but my grandson will have to do without
Jeopardy before I go to that extreme!)


Yes I would have stayed away from SP3. Have you applied the DirectX 9a I
think it is?

No you won't see the compatibility updates at Windows Update. Let me see if
they are still around...hold on...

Do you have this installed?;en-us;328310

You may need QFECheck:;en-us;282784

....Yes it is still around:

George Hester

I meant stay away from SP4 sorry hit the wrong key. Yup I'm out of ideas too. Because it did work for a while and then stopped. Looks to me like DirectX which I find many complain about evry time a new version is released. One of the reasons why a DirectX de-installer is like the fountain of Youth all round the Net. Everyone is looking for it but none ever really find it.

Did you try the website for the game? There may be a forum there with people contributing.

Oh finally the appupd. You can trust that Microsoft DID put it in their Service packs. Or you can install it. What's it gonna hurt? If the Service Pack prohibits you from installing it you'll know soon enough. If it don't then what does that tell you?

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