Installation of XP



I recently bought a new hard drive for my computer and decided to install XP Home on it. Things went well at first then I got a lot of error messages. I can use Windows but I can't get online or even pull up Internet Explorer. I am not computer literate so be gentle with me if you can help at all. Following are the error messages

Fatal Error an error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing
one of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed
Error performing inpage operation
If you are installing from a CD there might be a problem with the disc, try cleaning the disc or using another

Error SXS.DLL:Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\1386\asms\6000\MSFTWCRTLWCRTL.MAN" on line 17

Error Installation failed: D:\1386\asms.error message: error performing inpage operation

Fatal Error One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed

Error performing inpage operation

I think I got all that straight as I said I am not computer literate. I bought the hard drive and the new Windows XP Home from Gateway and they will support the drive but not the Windows XP. Anything you folks can do to help me will be greatly appreciated

Carey Frisch [MVP]

"Manifest Parse Invalid at the Top Level of the Document" Error Message When
You Try to Install Windows XP;en-us;331881&Product=winxp

Windows XP Setup Cannot Continue;en-us;812247&Product=winxp

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I recently bought a new hard drive for my computer and decided to install XP Home on it. Things went well at
first then I got a lot of error messages. I can use Windows but I can't get online or even pull up Internet
Explorer. I am not computer literate so be gentle with me if you can help at all. Following are the error
| Fatal Error an error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing.
| one of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.
| Error performing inpage operation.
| If you are installing from a CD there might be a problem with the disc, try cleaning the
disc or using another.
| Error SXS.DLL:Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\1386\asms\6000\MSFTWCRTLWCRTL.MAN" on
line 17.
| Error Installation failed: D:\1386\asms.error message: error performing inpage operation.
| Fatal Error One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.
| Error performing inpage operation.
| I think I got all that straight as I said I am not computer literate. I bought the hard drive and the new
Windows XP Home from Gateway and they will support the drive but not the Windows XP. Anything you folks can
do to help me will be greatly appreciated.
| Roadtrash


So, you tried to install a 'clean' version of XP on a new Hard Drive that you wired into your PC

The XP installation has not really completed properly as yopu cannot access all applications and are getting error messages

I recommend that you reinstall XP, use Repair Function. Make sure you ahve all the relevant drivers for the Motherboard and Adapters [Video, Sound etc], and have them ready for when requested by WIndows

Make sure you have your valid WindowsXP key
Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD
At the second R=Repair option, press the R key
This will start the repair
Eventually you will be prompted for your XP key

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