Install vs Symantec



Vista won't install (over XP) because it detects some Symantec products.

They're not listed in Control Panel / Add/remove programs. Norton WMI Update
*IS* listed but refuses to go away claiming some other program that uses WMI
Update is still installed on the system.

Symantec's universal we-get-everything removal tool says:

--- begin quote
Norton CleanSweep 2002 or earlier,
Norton Utilities 2002 or earlier, and
Symantec WinFax Pro

are still installed and must be removed via Control Panel, but of course
they are not to be found in the Control Panel
--- end quote

Whither to go next? And yes, I've learned the most valuable lesson: avoid


Bill Yanaire

The best thing to do is a clean install. Back up all your data, wipe the
system clean. It will take you longer in the short run, but you will have
less problems with a clean system. Stay away from Norton and McAfee. Get
Avast or AVG Free. They both work well with Vista.

Richard Urban

Remove anything Symantec, including things like Ghost and GoBack if you have
them installed. Also Live update has to be removed.

The problem with symantec (and I refuse to spell their company with a
capitol S) is that it is sometimes impossible to totally get rid of. That is
why many, including I, will no longer allow it on our computers.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Left over registry settings and files from prior installation.
Three options"
1. Clean install(echo to Bill's recommendation)
2. Reinstall, then remove, use appropriate Norton removal tool, manually clean the registry's HKCU and HKLM Software keys, Explorer files/folders, restart, reinstall Vista and hope for success.
3. Manually clean registry etc, files and folders, reinstall Vista and hope for success.

: Vista won't install (over XP) because it detects some Symantec products.
: Symantec's universal we-get-everything removal tool says:
: --- begin quote
: Norton CleanSweep 2002 or earlier,
: Norton Utilities 2002 or earlier, and
: Symantec WinFax Pro
: are still installed and must be removed via Control Panel, but of course
: they are not to be found in the Control Panel
: --- end quote
: Whither to go next? And yes, I've learned the most valuable lesson: avoid
: Symantec.
: Thanks

Lang Murphy

HeyBub said:
Vista won't install (over XP) because it detects some Symantec products.

They're not listed in Control Panel / Add/remove programs. Norton WMI
Update *IS* listed but refuses to go away claiming some other program that
uses WMI Update is still installed on the system.

Symantec's universal we-get-everything removal tool says:

--- begin quote
Norton CleanSweep 2002 or earlier,
Norton Utilities 2002 or earlier, and
Symantec WinFax Pro

are still installed and must be removed via Control Panel, but of course
they are not to be found in the Control Panel
--- end quote

Whither to go next? And yes, I've learned the most valuable lesson: avoid


I agree with Bill on the clean install... it's the only way I'd install

That said, even if you've done your due diligence and are fairly certain
there are drivers available for your hw (regardless of what Vista Upgrade
Advisor says...) and also that your -critical- apps will run under Vista...
if you have the tools to image your box in it's current state so that you
can use that image to "go back" (but not with Symantec... pun... sorry) then
I'd do that... or if you have a 30GB HD laying around gathering dust, you
could throw that in your box and install Vista (without registering) to see
if all your hw drivers work as expected. Or... you can throw caution to the
wind and just have at it. (Not recommended.)



adding to everyone's advice
1) NEVER use mcafee or norton (symantec)
2) Clean install Vista

however.. it really shouldn't hurt to try the upgrade, if you have
problems, you can do a clean install tomorrow :)

delete anything in your program files related to Norton, or Symantec., then
you can use your registry search to find and delete any reference to
symantec. (normally wouldn't suggest this as you may break something, but
since your installing a new OS anyway...)

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