Install horrors (please help)



While installing XP Pro on a new machine, after the
initial file copying and reboot, I get an error message
stating that:

Installation failed: D:\i386\asms Error message: The
parameter is incorrect.

Problem is, is that even the setup error log doesn't give
a clue as to the incorrect parameter.

I assume that there's something I'm missing here. But,
its got me stumped and have not figured a way around it.
I've reformatted and retryed. I've changed the format
from NTFS to Fat32, to no avail.
Any help would be appreciated.


A few CD's are bad, but I suspect your CD drive might not
be functioning 100%. It is possible to read lots of CD's
fine and still not be sufficient to install WinXP good
I'd borrow or buy another CD drive of good quality to see
if the problem goes away.

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