Install exe with GPO



I have to install in each of my 100 domain client PC's some executable. If
it was an MSI file than I could use GPO but can I do with an exe?



Newell White

Modify your logon script to check for presence on local machine.
If absent, copy the .exe to the local machine.

We have a frequently updated .exe which has to be re-distributed.
The developer just puts new version in shared folder %mysource" on file
server, and the following lines copy the new version to those machines which
have the existing folder and a specific file (this allows us to freeze
version on some machines by deleting the text file).

IF NOT EXIST "%mydest%" GOTO bypass
IF NOT EXIST "%mydest%\version21.txt" GOTO bypass
ECHO Checking for update of Modmaster
ROBOCOPY %mysource% "% dest%" /COPY:DT /xo /r:3 /w:0 /ndl /nfl /njs /njh /np

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