Inspector Wrapper Query




I have written a com add-in for Outlook 2000 and XP in VB6 based on
the ItemsCB example. I am now at the point that I need to ensure that
all items are cleaned up properly especially since my add-in will be
run in 2000. I have read many posts on the Next/Previous issue but am
still a bit unclear as to what needs to be done to fix it so I am
hoping that someone can spell it out for me:)

This is my understanding so far... Currently I am using the inspector
Close and Item_Close events to clean up but these events don't always
fire under every situation so I need to trap item_deactivate as well,
and possibly others? Because the Inspector deactivate event can also
fire when an Item isn't closing I need to compare the currentItem to
the items in the Inspectors collection, if it is part of the
collection still then I can assume that the item isn't closing and
just carry on otherwise I need to ensure that the item has been
completely removed from memory. To this end this is what I have so
far, but it doesn't work and I'm not sure what to do, or even if I'm
on the right track?

Private Sub m_objInsp_DeActivate()
Dim i As Integer
Dim objCurrentItem as Outlook.MailItem
Dim objInspWrap As InspWrap

For i = 1 To gcolInspWrap.Count

Set objCurrentItem = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Set objInspWrap = gcolInspWrap.item(i)

If Not objCurrentItem Is objInspWrap Then
MsgBox "yes, I'm still alive"
MsgBox "no, better clean me up!"
End If

End Sub

Where to from here. Please help.



Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Deactivate and Activate fire too often to be useful and fire in
different orders and frequencies depending on whether the item opened
using Next/Previous was ever opened in that Inspector and which button
is used.

I instantiate an item in the Inspector wrapper for each item type I
want to handle, declaring that item WithEvents. Then I can trap the
item closing and so on.

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