Inserting system date stamp on html email signature


Gary Fugere

Front Page has a feature that will alow you to insert an
automatically update sytem date that displays as text:

January 9, 2004

<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="REGENERATED" S-Format="%
B %d, %Y" -->

I cannot get this code to work in an Outlook HTML
signature, nor can I find a way to do it with the Outlook

Anybody got any ideas for a workaround?


I'm no OL code expert, but I recently purchase a nifty little tool from Sperry Software for $9.95 that will insert the date and time pretty much anywhere in Outlook. You simply run the install, fill in the registration info and an icon is placed on the toolbar for you. Just click on the icon and the date and time are inserted wherever you specify. Go to

Ken Kimbrough

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