Inserted Video File Not Playing Now


James H. Panknin

Using XP Pro and PowerPoint 2003. Originally captured and rendered some
video clips (mpg at DVD quality) and inserted as a files, the videos ran
fine. After creating a new subfolders for the presentations and copying all
files to the new folders, and re-inserted the video clips so the correct
folders would be set.
Now some of the video clip(s) will not play as inserted files. All I get is
white square where the inserted clip is, no video or audio. The clips play
fine in any media players, including mplay32.exe. I can insert the clips as
objects and they work. Have even re-captured the clips and rendered them
again. Now some of the clips will play, but still have several that will
not. AVI files of the same clips will work as inserted files. Have many
(20+) clips using the same mpg format that work just fine in other
presentations. Have also tried moving clips to other folders, renaming
clips, defraging disc and about everything else even remotely possible that
I can think of.

Thanks in advance for help.

Bill Dilworth

What are the total length of the path's to these non-playing videos? I
understand that there is a limit on the link length somewhere in the 200
charactor range. While this sounds like a lot, it really isn't.

For instance, some files may be filed under this type of file structure:
C:\Documents and Settings\The Big Cheese\My Documents\Our Company\PowerPoint
Presentations\Regional Sales Data\2004\April\2nd Week\Videos\

This is over130 charactors and we haven't added the file name yet. My
suggestion would be to try to reduce the length of the file name/link/path
and see if this doesn't fix the problem.

If it dosn't, you where to find us. We'll be here.

Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

James H. Panknin

Thanks!! Solved the problem. The change was about 1-2 characters over
the limit. Now everything restructured and all video files re-inserted.
Life is good once more :) Still learning the ins and outs of all the "new"


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