Insert web component problem


Norman D. Ashton


I'm currently building a web site and I have a odd problem
cropping up that I can't explain.

Here's the situation:

I have organized the navigation system for the site to be a
separate file, called "menu_choices.htm", which each
of the 18 pages imports on loading.

I've used the FP insert/web component/included content/page
procedures and that aspect works fine. Fifteen of the pages
import the menu choices, plug it into the correct level of
nested tables (along the left edge beside the upper content
table) and display the nested tables as expected.

Three of the pages, however, after successfully importing
the menu insert a blank space, amounting to about 5 or 6
lines, above the top content table that sits to the right of
the menu.

I have examined the code and both groups of files are
identical to my eyes. I created them pasting the code from
my initial test file.

I hope this rings a bell out there. Since I've not yet
uploaded the site I cannot refer you a URL where you could
examine my code; however, if you are interested in solving
this problem I'm prepared to send you an example of each
group off-list.


Norm Ashton
(logging in from Toronto and going through life
like a porcupine in a room full of balloons!)

Norm Ashton
(logging in from Toronto and going through life
like a porcupine in a room full of balloons!)

Steve Easton

Click once with your mouse at the bottom portion of the "blank space."
Hit the Backspace key and see if it reduces the space.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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