Insert Rows in datagrid



Hello Group,
I am working on inserting Rows in the datagrid as follows:

Private Function addHeaderLines(ByVal ds As DataSet) As DataSet

Dim dr, drBlank As DataRow
Dim count, repeatCount, upperBound As Integer

repeatCount = iMaxLines
upperBound = ds.Tables(1).Rows.Count

While count <= upperBound

If repeatCount = 1 Then

drBlank = ds.Tables(1).NewRow
drBlank(1) = "-1"
ds.Tables(1).Rows.InsertAt(drBlank, count + 1)
count += 1
upperBound += 1
repeatCount = iMaxLines


repeatCount -= 1

End If

count += 1

End While

Return ds

End Function

In the itemDatabound event, I assign the rows with the required data
to be inserted as below:

If CType(CType(e.Item.DataItem, DataRowView).Row.Item(1), String) =
"-1" Then
e.Item.Cells(0).ColumnSpan = 14
e.Item.Cells(0).Text = sbHeader.ToString
e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White
End If

sbHeader has a table which needs to be inserted in the empty row.
When I bind the table(1) of dataset ds to a datagrid, the rows seem to
be appended at the end of the datagrid inspite of not allowing the
sort. Not sure why is that happening. Any help with the same is


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