Hello all
I'm wanting to get data from a table and from a textbox on a form. This code works, but all text fields must not be null, or it doesn't work. How can I have the fields null and still insert the data, or is there a better way to do this
Curdate, JobNum, Qty, Notes, and PONumber are all fields on the form, the rest is from the table
Private Sub btAdd_Click(
Dim wrkJet As Workspace
Dim db As DAO.Databas
rs As DAO.Recordset
sql As String
vdoSql As Strin
'Get info from item record to add to orde
Set db = CurrentDb(
sql = "select * from tbItemDetail where ItmNum = '" + [cbitem] + "'
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenSnapshot
If rs.RecordCount > 0 The
vdoSql = "INSERT INTO tbOrd ( Curdate, JobNum, Qty, ItmNum, ItmDesc, ItmCst, UOM, Cont, Notes, PONumber ) values ('" & Me.txtDate.Value & "','" & Me.txtjobcnt.Value & "','" & Me.txtQty.Value & "','" & rs![ItmNum] & "','" & rs![Desc] & "'," & rs![Price] & ",'" & rs![UOM] & "','" & rs![Packing] & "','" & Me.txtNote.Value & "','" & Me.txtPO.Value & "');
DoCmd.RunSQL vdoSq
End I
rs.Close: db.Clos
End Sub
I'm wanting to get data from a table and from a textbox on a form. This code works, but all text fields must not be null, or it doesn't work. How can I have the fields null and still insert the data, or is there a better way to do this
Curdate, JobNum, Qty, Notes, and PONumber are all fields on the form, the rest is from the table
Private Sub btAdd_Click(
Dim wrkJet As Workspace
Dim db As DAO.Databas
rs As DAO.Recordset
sql As String
vdoSql As Strin
'Get info from item record to add to orde
Set db = CurrentDb(
sql = "select * from tbItemDetail where ItmNum = '" + [cbitem] + "'
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenSnapshot
If rs.RecordCount > 0 The
vdoSql = "INSERT INTO tbOrd ( Curdate, JobNum, Qty, ItmNum, ItmDesc, ItmCst, UOM, Cont, Notes, PONumber ) values ('" & Me.txtDate.Value & "','" & Me.txtjobcnt.Value & "','" & Me.txtQty.Value & "','" & rs![ItmNum] & "','" & rs![Desc] & "'," & rs![Price] & ",'" & rs![UOM] & "','" & rs![Packing] & "','" & Me.txtNote.Value & "','" & Me.txtPO.Value & "');
DoCmd.RunSQL vdoSq
End I
rs.Close: db.Clos
End Sub