Insert data with a stored procedure


Tavish Muldoon

What a pain trying to insert data into a table from a stored proc. My
webform asks for 16 pieces of data - which then gets written to the

I found this easier than the crap below (after the ***********).

This was eaiser:

get a list of all the parameters you want to pass - put them in a


mysql = "'" & txtorgOrgName.Text & "'," & ddorgCategory.SelectedValue
& ",'" & txtorgAddress.Text & "','" & _
txtorgCity.Text & "'," & ddorgProvince.SelectedValue
& ",'" & txtorgPostal.Text & "','" & txtorgPhone1.Text & "','" &
txtorgPhoneX1.Text & "','" & _
txtorgPhone2.Text & "','" & txtorgPhoneX2.Text &
"','" & txtorgFax.Text & "','" & _
txtorgEmail.Text & "','" & Now.Date & "','" &
txtorgContact.Text & "','" & _
txtorgTitle.Text & "','" & txtorgDept.Text & "'"

Then put the directions into your command string

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("EXECUTE sp_InsertOrganization " & mysql,

'cmd.CommandText = "EXECUTE sp_InsertOrganization " &
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

lblInsert.Visible = True
lblInsert.Text = "Record ADDED: " & rows

Catch xcp As SqlException

lblInsert.Visible = True
lblInsert.Text = "Unexpected Exception:" & xcp.ToString

End Try

The stored proc looks like this:

"EXECUTE sp_InsertOrganization 'WebCost',1,'50
Havelot','Brighton',9,'q2r6t6','555-8787','12','555-9901','22','555-5555','(e-mail address removed)','9/3/2003','John

The data after the stored proc gets inserted! Beats the crap below!


'insert organization data into table
Dim mysql As String
Dim rows As Integer

'Dim pr1 As New SqlParameter
'pr1.ParameterName = ("@orgId")
'pr1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr1.DbType = DbType.Int16
'pr1.Value = 0

'Dim pr2 As New SqlParameter
'pr2.ParameterName = ("@orgName")
'pr2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr2.DbType = DbType.String
'pr2.Value = txtorgOrgName.Text

'Dim pr3 As New SqlParameter
'pr3.ParameterName = ("@catId")
'pr3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr3.DbType = DbType.String
'pr3.Value = ddorgCategory.DataValueField

'Dim pr4 As New SqlParameter
'pr4.ParameterName = ("@orgAddress")
'pr4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr4.DbType = DbType.String
'pr4.Value = txtorgAddress.Text

'Dim pr5 As New SqlParameter
'pr5.ParameterName = ("@orgCity")
'pr5.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr5.DbType = DbType.String
'pr5.Value = txtorgCity.Text

'Dim pr6 As New SqlParameter
'pr6.ParameterName = ("@orgProvince")
'pr6.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr6.DbType = DbType.Int16
'pr6.Value = ddorgProvince.DataValueField

'Dim pr7 As New SqlParameter
'pr7.ParameterName = ("@orgPostalCode")
'pr7.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr7.DbType = DbType.String
'pr7.Value = txtorgPostal.Text

'Dim pr8 As New SqlParameter
'pr8.ParameterName = ("@orgPhone1")
'pr8.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr8.DbType = DbType.String
'pr8.Value = txtorgPhone1.Text

'Dim pr9 As New SqlParameter
'pr9.ParameterName = ("@orgPhone1Ext")
'pr9.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr9.DbType = DbType.String
'pr9.Value = txtorgPhoneX1.Text

'Dim pr10 As New SqlParameter
'pr10.ParameterName = ("@orgPhone2")
'pr10.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr10.DbType = DbType.String
'pr10.Value = txtorgPhone2.Text

'Dim pr11 As New SqlParameter
'pr11.ParameterName = ("@orgPhone2Ext")
'pr11.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr11.DbType = DbType.String
'pr11.Value = txtorgPhoneX2.Text

'Dim pr12 As New SqlParameter
'pr12.ParameterName = ("@orgFaxNumber")
'pr12.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr12.DbType = DbType.String
'pr12.Value = txtorgFax.Text

'Dim pr13 As New SqlParameter
'pr13.ParameterName = ("@orgEmail")
'pr13.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr13.DbType = DbType.String
'pr13.Value = txtorgEmail.Text

'Dim pr14 As New SqlParameter
'pr14.ParameterName = ("@orgDateRegistered")
'pr14.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr14.DbType = DbType.Date
'pr14.Value = Now.Date

'Dim pr15 As New SqlParameter
'pr15.ParameterName = ("@orgContactPerson")
'pr15.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr15.DbType = DbType.String
'pr15.Value = txtorgContact.Text

'Dim pr16 As New SqlParameter
'pr16.ParameterName = ("@orgTitle")
'pr16.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr16.DbType = DbType.String
'pr16.Value = txtorgTitle.Text

'Dim pr17 As New SqlParameter
'pr17.ParameterName = ("@orgDept")
'pr17.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'pr17.DbType = DbType.String
'pr17.Value = txtorgDept.Text

''Dim insertedrows As SqlParameter
''insertedrows.ParameterName = ("@@IDENTITY")
''insertedrows.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
''insertedrows.DbType = DbType.Int16
''rows = insertedrows.Value


Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(" sp_InsertOrganization ",
rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

This gave me grief - always gettinga stack error about the string
being incorrect. PAIN

Jim Mitchell

Thanks for the tip on with cmd.Parameters. I had asked for this in a
previous post with no answer.

Jim Mitchell

Sure, but what happens when you are passing input from user fields to the
stored procedure and the user inputs special characters like [']. Are you
going to do a replace("'","'''") every time you want to pass the data? I
found it a pain to deal with checking to make sure "Brian D'Amico" was not
passed to my stored proceedure every time it was called.

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