Inser picture problem

  • Thread starter Lincoln Burrows
  • Start date

Lincoln Burrows

I have a VFP coding for inserting a Picture to the active work book


In Excel 2007 the picture is not inserted in to correct cell what I
But in Excel 2003 there is no any problem like that it is inserted in to
correct cell what I mentioned.
Why does this happens
Pls Help

Ron de Bruin

Yes that is correct, in 2007 it not work like in 2003

This will work in 2003 and 2007

Dim myPict As Picture

With ActiveSheet.Range("J10")
Set myPict = .Parent.Pictures.Insert(lcLogoName)
myPict.Top = .Top
myPict.Left = .Left
myPict.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
End With

Lincoln Burrows

Thanks Ron,
Its working
But is there any way to give the Cell instead of Range

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