Input Validation



I have created an input form with several text input boxes, and need to
prevent the user from moving to the next texbox without entering a data into
the current textbox. I have created validation rules to test for Null and
also for empty string “â€, but the user can TAB over the field without
entering data. The database the form is bound to will catch the omission
when the user attempts to save the record, but I would like to keep the user
at that field until they enter data. I tried using the On_Exit event, the
On_Lost_Focus event for the textbox, but the user can still tab pass it,
without entering data. If the user does enter something in the textbox, the
validation works, however if the user tabs pass the field not test is
performed until the record write attempt. Is it possible to limit Access
2003 from tabbing pass a textbox if data is required for that textbox?

Joan Wild

rtrammel said:
I have created an input form with several text input boxes, and need to
prevent the user from moving to the next texbox without entering a data
the current textbox. I have created validation rules to test for Null and
also for empty string "", but the user can TAB over the field without
entering data. The database the form is bound to will catch the omission
when the user attempts to save the record, but I would like to keep the
at that field until they enter data. I tried using the On_Exit event, the
On_Lost_Focus event for the textbox, but the user can still tab pass it,
without entering data. If the user does enter something in the textbox,
validation works, however if the user tabs pass the field not test is
performed until the record write attempt. Is it possible to limit Access
2003 from tabbing pass a textbox if data is required for that textbox?

You could disable most of the controls, and in the beforeupdate of the first
control, perform the validation and enable the next control. They won't be
able to tab to a disabled control.


Thank you for your help. That worked. I was hoping there was a property
setting or something similar that would handle this, however your suggestion
will do the trick. Thank you again.

Joan Wild

rtrammel said:
Thank you for your help. That worked. I was hoping there was a property
setting or something similar that would handle this, however your
will do the trick. Thank you again.

There isn't a property. The problem is that users may not use the tab to
move from control to control; they could use the mouse.

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