input string into a column based on the value of a cell



I ran into a problem.
I have an excel spreadsheet that has many records.
I need a macro to look up every instance of a value greater then 70% in row C.
Row C is a formula.
If it is greater then 70% then I need Row E to say "Over" in the same record.
I need this to happen after every occurance.

Can someone please help me, I am new to this forum.


I ran into a problem.
I have an excel spreadsheet that has many records.
I need a macro to look up every instance of a value greater then 70% in row C.
Row C is a formula.
If it is greater then 70% then I need Row E to say "Over" in the same record.
I need this to happen after every occurance.

Can someone please help me, I am new to this forum.

You don't really need a macro to do this because you can write a
simple IF function and copy the formula down. For example, in cell E1
you can write =IF(C1>.7,"Over","") and then copy the formula down.

I included one way to write a macro for this, but it does the same
thing as the IF function in Excel. The code is dependent on your data
set being contiguous.

Sub over70()

Dim a As Long
Dim counter As Long

counter = Range("c1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

For a = 1 To counter
If Range("c" & a).Value > 0.7 Then
Range("e" & a).Value = "Over"
End If

End Sub


Sub MarkE()
Dim rng as Range, cell as Range
set rng = Range("C1",cells(rows.count,"C").End(xlup))
for each cell in rng
if application.IsNumber(cell) then
if instr(1,cell.text,"%",vbTextcompare) then
if cell.Value > .70 then
cell.offset(0,2).value = "Over"
end if
end if
end if
End Sub

Test this on a copy of your worksheet.

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