input box date type mismatch



Hi Guys - another newbie question. Seem to be a lot of similar ones around
this theme but can't see my problem excactly, so here goes:

User input date is used to find a match in a range of dates in the
following code:

res = InputBox("Please enter Start Date")
If IsDate(res) Then
dt = CDate(res) 'convert response to a date type
res1 = Application.Match(CLng(dt), Rows(6), 0)
rest of code

This works a treat (Thanks Tom Oliver!) in one application,
but have copied it to use in another and I get an error 2042 and type
mismatch in the second. I have formatted the target date range in the same
way in both (I thought) so am baffled.

Many TIA'a


Bob Phillips

It works fine as far as I can see. Where do you get the error, and what are
you typing in the inputbox.

BTW, his name is Tom Ogilvy!



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Hi Bob - of course it is! what was I thinking? I actually have his name
pasted in my code in recognition of his contribution (as I do any time I have
been helped) and it is right there, so must have had a blonde moment! Thanks
for pointing it out.

In put is in dd/mm/yy format, and target range is dd/mm/yyyy but Cdate
handles that. As I said, behaves fine in case 1.
Error is last line I quoted, tooltip over res1 in statement reads error 2042
instead of stating the value of dt match converted to a long.

Same code both applications, same job to do, same data types, formats etc.

Of course it's something stupid, I just can't spot it.




Bob, I have discovered the problem, and it is trooooly stoooopid!

I am well aware of the dangers of hardcoding, but the syntax soup required
to reference in excel forces me to use the odd fixed range as an expedient
I simply hadn't checked the reference in the second application, ( somthing
I would have done if I was less weary at this point.!)

Forgive me for wasting this valuable help resource on my own blind stupidity!



Bob Phillips

No problem.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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