Inport a large table into a smaller one



I have a user that has a large table (many fields) that I would like to
import and make a smaller tables useing the same data. OK she has a Approach
and Access tables (Same tables in both applications) that has many fields,
they are Key Ring, Key Ring Location, Number of Keys, and in the she has Key
1, with location Key 2, with location Key 3, with location and so on with
different number of fields per record. The largest is 28 key numbers. I have
created a two tables, with a Main form for the Key ring, Location of Ring and
Number of keys, and a Subform for another table with key number and Location
of key. Is there an easy way to get information from the larger table into
the smaller table. Thanks in advance.


You need a field in the second table to link to the main table. Both must
have the same information. The way you stated it does not indicate a
commonality between the two tables.
Key Ring, Key Ring Location, Number of Keys, Person Holding Keys, etc.

Key Ring, Key Number, Location of Key, etc.

Here the Key Ring is the common field.

Key Ring should be set as the key field in table1. That means that the
identifier for a Key Ring will be unique in that table - only one of a kind.
In table2 Key Ring and Key Number in conjunction will be unique.

In table design view highlight the key field and click on the key icon on
the tool bar and save. For table2 you will need to highlight the two fields.

On the menu click on TOOLS - Relationships, and select the two tables.
Close the table selection window. Click on the Key Ring field in table1 and
drag to Key Ring in table2. Setup a one-to-many relation. Select
Referential Integrity and Cascade Updates. Save.

Use Key Ring as Master and Child links for main form and subform.

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