Initiating a Custom Toolbar



I have made a custom toolbar to work with a specific spreadsheet. I need the
toolbar to load if the user doesn't have it already. This is what I'm trying
to do:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

If "Application.Toolbar X exists" Then "do nothing"
Else: Call "procedure to make toolbar"
End If

End Sub

Just need help filling in the correct syntax to make this work.

Jim Thomlinson

dim cbr as commandbar

on error resume next
set cbr = application.commadbars(x)
on error goto 0

if cbr is nothing then
'open the bar
end if


Same problem. Works if the toolbar isn't already present but if it's there I
get a "Invalid procedure call or element" error. Below is my code:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim cbr As CommandBar

On Error Resume Next
Set cbr = Application.commadbars("CDToolBar")
On Error GoTo 0

If cbr Is Nothing Then
Call CatalystDumpToolBar
Call AddCustomControl
End If

If ThisWorkbook.Name Like "Master*" Then NotSoFast.Show
End Sub

the above code runs even if the toolbar is present and then goes here:

Sub CatalystDumpToolBar()

Dim CDToolBar As CommandBar

Set CDToolBar = CommandBars.Add(temporary:=True)
With CDToolBar
.Name = "CDToolBar"
.Position = msoBarTop
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

This is where I get the error: .Name = "CDToolBar".

Dave Peterson

Maybe it's because you spelled commandbars incorrectly. And the "on error
resume next" line hid that spelling mistake.


That was exactly it! Corrected the spelling and it works now. Thanks for
pointing that out.

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