inheriting classes from VC++6 into



i have a dll ( template class) ready which is written in
VC++6. But presently i need to inherit its classes into my new if there is some better solution with u then please give me
the solution.

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Amu said:
i have a dll ( template class) ready which is written in
VC++6. But presently i need to inherit its classes into my new if there is some better solution with u then please give me
the solution.

Strictly speaking, there's no way to "inherit C++ classes into C#" (whatever
that means). There are, however, several possible ways to make use of your
C++ classes in a C# program.

First, if the C++ classes are really COM objects, you can use tlbimp.exe
(.NET framekwork SDK) to generate a .NET wrapper assembly and then use the
classes from that wrapper assembly from your C# project to access your c++

Second, if the C++ classes are really just C code that exposes a C-friendly
API, you can use PInvoke to call functions in your DLL from C#.

Finally, for most other cases, you'll have to port your VC6 code to VC8,
then use C++/CLI to hard-craft a .NET interface for your C++ classes.

If you can give more details about exactly what the classes are and how you
intend to use them, I or someone else can help you find the right path for
your particular case.



Carl said:
Strictly speaking, there's no way to "inherit C++ classes into C#" (whatever
that means). There are, however, several possible ways to make use of your
C++ classes in a C# program.

First, if the C++ classes are really COM objects, you can use tlbimp.exe
(.NET framekwork SDK) to generate a .NET wrapper assembly and then use the
classes from that wrapper assembly from your C# project to access your c++

Second, if the C++ classes are really just C code that exposes a C-friendly
API, you can use PInvoke to call functions in your DLL from C#.

Finally, for most other cases, you'll have to port your VC6 code to VC8,
then use C++/CLI to hard-craft a .NET interface for your C++ classes.

If you can give more details about exactly what the classes are and how you
intend to use them, I or someone else can help you find the right path for
your particular case.


The C++ classes which I mentioned are classes which are derived from
MFC standard classes like CPropertyPage and CPropertySheet.

These template classes are simple MFC classes which are packaged as a
DLL. Since the Implementation part of this DLL is huge, I can't think
of rewriting the whole code in C#.

I have attached the the class template code snippet for your reference.
I need to inherit from this class, DTMPOPropertyPage in C#.

How can I achieve this?

class AFX_EXT_CLASS DTMPOPropertyPage : public CPropertyPage


// Construction



DTMPOPropertyPage(FDTXmtrDoc *doc, UINT nIDTemplate = 0,
UINT nCaption = 0);



// NOTE - ClassWizard will add data members

// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks
of generated code !


// Attributes


// Access to determine if performing CANCEL processing.

// Pages use this to avoid validation

//BOOL InCancelProcessing ();

// Overrides

// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides


// Define a generic OnKillFocus handler for use by all

//afx_msg void OnKillFocus();

virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); //
DDX/DDV support


virtual BOOL OnInitDialog() { return
CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); }

virtual BOOL OnSetActive() { UpdateData(FALSE); return
CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }

//virtual BOOL OnKillActive();

// access to BO parameters

virtual void SetValues() = 0;

virtual void UpdateDocument() = 0;

// access to AppInfo

FDTAppInfo *GetAppInfo();

// Implementation


// Generated message map functions


// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member
functions here


//afx_msg LRESULT OnCommandHelp(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam);

//afx_msg LRESULT OnShiftF1Help(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam);

//afx_msg void OnHelp( );

afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo( HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo );


DTMPOPropertySheet *GetSheet();

// pointer to document

FDTXmtrDoc *mDoc;


void SetSheet( DTMPOPropertySheet *ps );

friend class DTMPOPropertySheet;

mDTMPOPropertyPage *m;


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