inherited switchboard


Danny N.

I was given a .mdb file and asked to modify it. When the
file opens, it comes up to a switchboard. When I go into
the main application thru the switchboard, I see a form
with several tabs, each tab containing a particular type
of information on an individual.

If I hold down the shift key and go directly into the
database, I can not find any form relating to that
switchboard, nor any data forms that look like any of the
tabs. I do see a few 'search' forms that come up in the
application when a corresponding button is clicked, but I
can't find any part of the main program. Also, there is
no SwitchboardItems table.

I have never dealt with a switchboard before this, and
don't know how to find the 'source' of these forms to
modify them.

Any idea how I can find the switchboard source, or can you
direct me to some more detailed info on switchboards? I
have looked in the Access Bible, but it just gives the
basics of how to set up a switchboard.

Danny Norman
(e-mail address removed)


Not all switchboards have to be developed using the switchboard manager.
Many seasoned Access developers uses a basic form and use Tab Controls. One
way you might find out which from opens is to look under Tools | Startup and
see if a form is designated there. This will tell you the form name. If
nothing is there, there may be a macro called Autoexec. If you have this
open the macro is design view and this will tell you the name of the form.
If nothing is there, then the only other place it could be referenced is
through VB code under the code editor.

Steve Schapel


When you eventually find the switchboard, it may or may not be one
which has been created with Access's built-in switchboard wizard,
which incidentally, has been nominated as Microsoft's stupidest idea

I suggest you go first to the Tools|Options menu, and tick the Show
Hidden Objects checkbox. Then have another look in the Forms tab of
the database window.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

Howard Brody

The database may also have hidden objects. To make sure
you're seeing all the objects in the database, click on
Tools > Options > View > Hidden Objects.


Danny N.

Under Tools...Startup it just says Switchboard, but there
is no form in the database named switchboard. Can the
form have been created, the mdb "compiled", and then the
form deleted but somehow remain in the compiled VB code
with the database? Is that possible?

Danny N.

Tools...Startup says SWITCHBOARD. But there is no form in
this database called Switchboard. Is it possible that the
form was created, the VB code was compiled, then the form
deleted, leaving the switchboard active in the code, but
with no source Form to modify?

Steve Schapel


Maybe the previous responses from myself and Howard Brody, concerning
hidden objects, didn't get through to you? Here is repeat...


When you eventually find the switchboard, it may or may not be one
which has been created with Access's built-in switchboard wizard,
which incidentally, has been nominated as Microsoft's stupidest idea

I suggest you go first to the Tools|Options menu, and tick the Show
Hidden Objects checkbox. Then have another look in the Forms tab of
the database window.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

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