Infragistics Ultra Web Grid Updating Problem


Paul W

I was recently assigned to build a database administration tool with an
infragistics web grid UI. I am able to pull the data into a dataSet and
bind it fine. However, when I attempted to use the UpdateCell or
UpdateCellBatch events to transfer updated data to the data set, the
event arguements (Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.CellEventArgs e) are
missing critical information such as the row and column of the cell
being updated, and most of the CellEventArgs are either null or -1. I
tried copying directly from a sample on the Infragistics website but
again, the CellEventArgs are missing the data even their tutorial needs
to run properly.

Any help would be appreciated,
- Paul


Did you do a databind on the grid? This is usally the cause of a lot of the

Paul W

Yeah, I bound my dataset to the grid using the DataBind function. Is
this a problem and if so, how do I get the data from my data set onto
the grid if I don't bind it?

- Paul

Ron Allen

You should set the DataSource of the grid to the appropriate
DataTable/DataView. If there are relations in the DataSet to this table
this will create a multiband(level) grid. Make sure to code
InitializeLayout to set the grid layout after the DataSource changes. Also
if you ever want to clear the grid by setting the DataSource to null make
sure that your InitializeLayout code handles this appropriately.

As others have said Infragistics provide newsgroup support on The appropriate newsgroup for UltraWinGrid questions
would be infragistics.dotnet.wingrid.

Ron Allen

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