Infragistic webgrid Column collection



How can I loop through the columns collection in client side javascript?
Or how can I get a column by the key, not just by the index in the
collection? in Infragistics webgrid


Wrong forum.
Look at
BUT since you asking:

This example counts the columns of each band. For one column, (Phone) the
column is made non-editable.

function CountColumns(btnEl) {
// Count all columns and place the value into the label field
// Use the variable automatically declared for the grid on the page.
var oGrid = oUltraWebGrid1;
// Get the Bands collection
var oBands = oGrid.Bands;
// Get the columns collection for Band 0
var oBand = oBands[0];
var oColumns = oBand.Columns;
// The column count is equal to the length of the Columns array.
var count = oColumns.length;
var total = 0;
// Add up the number of columns in each band.
for(i=0; i<oBands.length; i++) {
oBand = oBands;
total += oBand.Columns.length;
// iterate the columns of the band
for(c = 0; c < oBand.Columns.length; c++) {
var column = oBand.Columns[c];
if(column.Key == "Phone")
column.AllowUpdate = 2; // AllowUpdate.No

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