Information about font display


James Silverton

Hello, All!

This is a question for pure interest :) I was looking at some
fonts in the Control Panel font viewer and it turns out most of
them in my collection use the pangram, "The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog" but one or two use the slightly
shorter, "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz". Is the pangram
stored with the font?

Interestingly, the =RAND(#,#) function of WORD that ordinarily
prints out the lazy dog pangram does not seem to work for fonts
with the jackdaw text.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland, USA


True type are shown withe the "" Non true types are the the
"...sphinx...." Not sure why, but that is what I have been told in the past!

James Silverton

MP said:
True type are shown withe the "" Non true types are
the the "...sphinx...." Not sure why, but that is what I have
been told in the past!

That is interesting because the two rather specialized fonts I
tried claim to be TT fonts! I suppose the pangram sentence may
actually be supplied by Windows and the change is made if the
font does not seem to obey the TT rules.

James Silverton

James wrote on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:38:41 -0400:

JS> ??>> True type are shown withe the "" Non true types
??>> are the the "...sphinx...." Not sure why, but that is what
??>> I have been told in the past!
JS> That is interesting because the two rather specialized
JS> fonts I tried claim to be TT fonts! I suppose the pangram
JS> sentence may actually be supplied by Windows and the change
JS> is made if the font does not seem to obey the TT rules.

What MP said about the choice between "fox" and "jackdaw" seems
to usually to be true tho' not all non-TT fonts give the
"jackdaw" sentence. The old version of Courier is one that
displays the "fox".

James Silverton.