INFO-BUG: GridView Double-Post Problem



This is information for those who may have been bitten by the
"double-post" problem in GridView controls. I've been messing with
ASP.Net about a week, and have uncovered an annoying 'feature'.
Never bothered with Net 1.x, and have stuck with cASP so far...

When the Command Field consists of a button or text, the control
behaves properly. When an image is used, it does not.
After studying the HTML generated and sent to the client, I have
determined the following:

When TEXT is used, the __doPostBack javascript code is attached.
When BUTTON is used, it does not attach the __do PostBack code.
Instead, it uses the browser's intrinsic behavior to post.

The Bug
Now this is where the beast rears it's ugly head...
When IMAGE is used, ASP.Net attaches the __do PostBack code to the
image's OnClick() event, but the image is also defined as an <INPUT>.
So, the browser engine generates a postback as well. This leads to a
double postback to the server.

A temporary solution is to manually create a Template Field to
encapsulate the image(s), rather then the built in Command Field.
ASP.Net does NOT attach the __doPostBack code to the image's onClick
event when in a Template Field.

The proper solution is to alter this behavior in ASP.Net.

And while you're at it, how about the <TABLE> idiosyncrasies of IE?
( cellpadding and cellspacing ) Rather than defining a CSS style for
these, you have to format inline in the page markup. It's been 10
years now... How about it, Bill? ;-)


Greg G.


GregG said:
( cellpadding and cellspacing ) Rather than defining a CSS style for
these, you have to format inline in the page markup.

OK - I'm an idiot. I forgot that you have to define the <td> or <th>
properties in CSS for tables... :) It's been a loooong week.

td, th
margin: 0;
padding: 0;


Greg G.

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