Individual Action Item Worksheet Creation


Kevin M

Hi all,

At weekly meetings, a secretary of ours takes notes of what action
items are assigned to whom. She keeps track of these delegations on a
single worksheet per project at the meeting real-time, for the sake of
speed and accuracy. This workbook has one worksheet per project with
groups of two rows representing a task within that project being
assigned to some employee.

For instance, within ProjXYZ Kevin may have two "action items" he
needs to work on. However, in ProjPQR, another worksheet in the same
workbook, Kevin may have a third "action item." I would like to write
a macro that consolidates all action items for each person on to one
tab. This eliminates the need to attach a large workbook and scan
through various worksheets looking for one's name assigned to tasks.
One tab for Dan, one tab for Ted, one tab for Susan, etc.

Ideally, the macro takes entries in this form (the project

WKSHT: Othello
| Dan | Issue: Resolve DSP errors on
Othello3.4 |
| 2/27/ | Resolution: [HE FILLS THIS IN HIMSELF LATER |

And will put it onto another worksheet like this:

| *Project* | *Date* | *Issue* |
*Resolution* |
| Othello | 2/27/2007 | Resolve... | [NOW I FILL THIS
IN] |

I am completely aware that this may be more trouble than it's worth.
Frankly, in my opinion, it is, but since I'm so new to VBA and Excel
programming in general, I think it's a good project for me to take on
just to learn the ropes. Unfortunately, while I have extended
experience with PHP and Python, the specificity of VBA is daunting,
and I'm afraid I don't know exactly how to best approach this problem.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Kevin M

I apologize for the sloppy formatting of the pseudotables.

Basically, the worksheet view is a two row system, with name and issue
on top, and date and resolution on the bottom. The desired worksheet
is a totally tabular layout.

-- Kevin

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