Index/Match to get Count (from Subtotals) into a Table of Names



I have subtotals on the second page of my workbook, counting names of
persons, and a list of persons on the first page. I though, maybe, I could
use Index/Match to get the results of the counts of the persons on the second
page into a table of names on the first page, but that didn't work. I have
this function:

This matches the names fine, but I really wanted to putt the numbers (the
counts of names) into the table of names.

Please help.



I have subtotals on the second page of my workbook, counting names of
persons, and a list of persons on the first page.  I though, maybe, I could
use Index/Match to get the results of the counts of the persons on the second
page into a table of names on the first page, but that didn't work.  I have
this function:  

This matches the names fine, but I really wanted to putt the numbers (the
counts of names) into the table of names.

Please help.


If your Subtotals work, why can't you just duplicate them on the first
sheet? Otherwise, you need a counting function, not a lookup. COUNTIF
might be useful.


Why not use Sumproduct like the one below

it will tell you how many times the name in B5 occurs in RUBY!$D$2:$D$4500

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