Index, Match, Sum ??



Ok, I'm trying to figure this out, but not there yet. I think I need
some help.

In Cells A2:A32 there are values: 1,2,3,4,5 or -
In Cells AT2:AT32 I have total values from each row.

In a table I want to find the totals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and -

So cell T49 would = the SUM for 1, T50 = SUM for 2 and so on.

I need a formula that will search A2:A32, get all that have 1 and then
go to AT for each of the ones that have 1 and sum the values.

So lets say A4, A15, A17 come back as having 1
It would then sum the values of AT4, AT15, AT17.

I'm thinking I will need to nest INDEX, MATCH, & SUM to my results, but
haven't been able to figure it out. Any ideas?




Try something like this in Cell T49




thanks for the reply,

that would work, only problem is on the off days the total N/A, so the
result of the formula is #VALUE!

I can't really change my other formula for N/A, (it's complicated) but
it's involved in a couple other formulas

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