Index and Match issues



I am having trouble with a index and match function.

My data on first tab (sheet 1) has the following:
A 1 f
B 2 g
C 3 h

I want to add a fourth column that is pulled from the second tab (sheet 2).
The data on the second tab
A 1 f 2 $100,000
c 3 h 17 $410,000

Note the first sheet has all of the possible categories (65 different ones).
The second sheet only has catagories where the count and $ are populated (35
of total possible 65). I have tried the index and match, but am having
trouble because I have three variables to look up.

Any thoughts? thanks


Sumproduct will probably work
in your 4th column ente
for the count and
Change the columns as necessary for your workbook.
the "--(" changes the logical true false to 1,0


One way, assume your data in sheet 1 starts in A2 with "A", then 1 in B2 and
so on,
in sheet2 your data starts in A2 as well, in D2 sheet1 put


entered with ctrl + shift & enter

and copy down


Peo Sjoblom

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