incrementing every two rows--the sequel




I had posted a topic about an hour ago and it was replied to. And, I very
much wish to thank the person that replied.

I really did not make myself clear in that posting, however. Let me try to
explain, again.

I have a spreadsheet of over 16,000 records. In certain spots within the
spreadsheet, I'm going to number each set of two rows. So, I may one set of
two rows numbered 620, the next set number 621, the next set number 622, and
so forth.

I know that you can increment rows numerically by using your mouse to select
the rows and drag a corner of the box down. This does not work, however,
when you are numbering a set of two rows incrementally.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


Anne Troy

Type the first cell in (assumes you enter 1 in cell A1)
In the second cell, type =A1
In the third cell, type =A2+1
In the fourth cell, type =A3
In the fifth cell, type =A3+1
In the sixth cell, type =A4

Now, select cells A3 through A6 (4 cells)
Copy down. Worked for my test. :)
~Anne Troy

William Benson

Or, with a slight change, you may get better performance from

since then if on row 1, items on both Row1 and Row 2 will receive "1", and
row 3& 4 will receive 2, etc.

Maybe I am wrong, just try each.


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