
I wasn't sure where to go for this question. I right now am using Yahoo as
my mail server. This ad for "incredimail" came up and looked pretty
interesting, but I hesitate to go to a new mail server without knowing
anything about it.
Anyone here know anything about it?

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Apparently, there is no spyware attached to Incredimail, but some complain
of it slowing down systems..


PattiChati said:
I wasn't sure where to go for this question. I right now am using Yahoo as
my mail server. This ad for "incredimail" came up and looked pretty
interesting, but I hesitate to go to a new mail server without knowing
anything about it.
Anyone here know anything about it?

It doesn't seem to be harmful, but there were some issues with previous
versions. For example, it encourages you to use fancy backgrounds,
animations, etc. within your emails, which can look interesting, but adds
significantly to the size of the emails you send. If the person receiving
the mail has broadband, that might not be an issue, but someone with dial-up
may not appreciate having your fancy backgrounds clogging their mail.

In addition, the fancy input may not display properly, so that the person
getting the mail may not see what you intend.

And last, there were some reports that while it's blissfully easy to import
your messages, mail, settings, and contact list from Outlook or Outlook
Express, there's no easy way to go the other direction. So if you decide not
to use it, switching back can be a problem.

I don't know anyone who has used it recently, so perhaps some issues have
been cleared up, but it always struck me as the email equivalent of high
school girls using scented, glittery ink. It's decorative, but not
particularly useful.


Ive been using incredimail for over 2 years its the best I found. All of
my mail accounts are sent to incredimail. I really enjoy using the



Have you found it to slow things down? Also, when I tried to install it, it
gave me messages that my POP couldn't be found and then something else
couldn't be found. I am not familiar with these, so I didn't know what to
do. Do you then gave to change your emai address from my Yahoo one?
Thanks for your help.


Incredimail normally just takes the pop/s,tp settings directly from Outlook
Express, but you can set them up manually, just the same as in OE.
Re: the slow downs, that would possibly apply to machines with very little
leeway in the way of free disk space/memory etc. but it shouldn't be a
The only ads it carries are in the notification area at the top right, and
they are only for Incredimail products..if you pay for the premium service
the ads are taken off.
I just started a new Incredimail Help Forum at
An earlier poster voiced some concern about reverting back to OE from
Incredimail if you chose to get rid of it...I don't see the problem as it
only imports the settings, it doesn't remove them from OE. I'm using it
right now to post this.


PattiChati said:
Have you found it to slow things down? Also, when I tried to install
it, it gave me messages that my POP couldn't be found and then
something else couldn't be found. I am not familiar with these, so I
didn't know what to do. Do you then gave to change your emai address
from my Yahoo one?
Thanks for your help.

The ads did slow my system down (slightly) until I brought the program (no
ads), 3 years now and I still use it.
The specs on the system at that time
P4 processor 1.6 Gig 400FSB
1 Gig ram
It only slowed down while IM was open and I was running another high
resource program.

Many people in this newsgroup will say that they hate recieving e/mails from
this program and I'm sure they do but with just 1 click of your mouse button
you have an option to send using plain text only.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

I get a little annoyed with Incredimail usage because of the garbage it
sends, backgrounds and animations that I can't see.. all helps to fill up
mail boxes..


I finnd no slowdown or problems with the program. I transfer all my
mail acts. to hotmaill and get them all in incredimail.the only thing I
dont like is that now you have to pay for the new junk filter which had
been free even though I have the upgraded version. but all in all its
still a great program in my opinion and I enjoy using it

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