Increasing Max Sessions onto an XP Client



Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could advise me how to up the maximum number of remote sessions allowed onto a computer running Windows XP Professional.
(The sessions I refer to are those that you can see from the Computer Management Console > System Tools > Shared Folders > Sessions)

Many thanks,


allan grossman [mvp]

Hi, Rob -

I'm afraid it can't be done. WinXP Professional has a
hard limit of ten simultaneous incoming connections.

hth -
-----Original Message-----
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could advise me how to up the
maximum number of remote sessions allowed onto a computer
running Windows XP Professional.
(The sessions I refer to are those that you can see from
the Computer Management Console > System Tools > Shared
Folders > Sessions)


I was worried that might be the case... Nevermind

Thanks for letting me know HTH.


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