Increase mailbox size?



We have real estate properties emailed to clients and
copied to our inbox. We delete them several times a day,
but the mailbox fills up and bounces mail back to
individuals also emailing us. How can we increase the
size so the mails don't bounce? I have been searching to
knowledge base to no avail. Outlook 2003 Win XP

Thank you

Brian Tillman

Laurie said:
Thank you. I take it you mean internet service? I have

SBC Yahoo! is the hosting service for SBC Internet Services. It is their
mailbox that controls the amount of space you can have for messages.
However, that should be reasonably large (25 Mb). I find it hard to imagine
that every day you receive 25 Mb of mail, unless the messages you're copying
to yourself contain picture files (JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, etc.). Instead of
mailing them to yourself, copy them to a local PST. They won't impact the
server message store then. Also, make sure you delete the messages from
your server when you download.

Brian Tillman

Brian Tillman said:
SBC Yahoo! is the hosting service for SBC Internet Services. It is
their mailbox that controls the amount of space you can have for
messages. However, that should be reasonably large (25 Mb).

By the way, for additional fees, you can get up to 100 Mb of server space.
Contact SBC or Yahoo!


Very good point Brian. SBC Yahoo! has a filter that keeps messages on the
server that is independant of your Outlook settings for leaving messages. If
messages are being routed/filtered to the Bulk Mail folder, they remain
there and only get emptied ONCE per month. Laura, You need to make sure your
Bulk Mail settings and Yahoo Address book (Friends List) are adequately
supporting your business needs.

Good Luck!

..>>>> size so the mails don't bounce? I have been searching

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