Incorrect behavior by Windows Explorer: error code 0xC00D0BB8 settingtitle on mp3 file.

  • Thread starter Hieronymus S. Freely
  • Start date

Hieronymus S. Freely

I have an mp3 file. I right click, "Properties", and click Title, then


and hit enter.

Then I OK the dialog.

Exploder makes the following incorrect response:

An unexpected error is preventing this operation. Make note of this
error code, which might be useful if you get additional help to resolve
this problem:

Error 0xC00D0BB8 No error description available

There are actually THREE things incorrect here.

1. Instead of obeying me unquestioningly, the computer refused and
talked back to me, even though there was no error whatsoever on my
part. That, obviously, is not correct.

2. It says "Make note of this error code" but fails to make it
selectable, and thus denies any easy way to copy and paste it. That,
too, is obviously incorrect.

3. It fails to provide a human-understandable explanation for why it
is refusing to do as instructed. That, once again, is incorrect.

Fix all three bugs in a KBnnnnnn update to be released no later than the
second Tuesday in February.

N.B.: the file is not in use anywhere else; I can move it, rename it,
and even set the title to some other text using Exploder. Moreover, I
was able to set it to "Liberté" in a media player app, whereupon
something particularly schizophrenic happened: it appears correct in the
media player, but still appears blank in Exploder! That makes bug #4,
also to be fixed by next Patch Tuesday.

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