Inconsistent accessibility



what is wrong with the code i get
'Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type
'ConsoleApplication1.Garage.CarDelegate' is less accessible than method
' E:\VS2005_Study\Delegates.cs 49 23 ConsoleApplication1

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;

namespace ConsoleApplication1

public class Car

private String CName;
public bool rotateTires, washCar;
private int speed;
public String name {
get{return CName;}
public Car(String name, int s,bool Tire, bool Wash)
CName = name;
rotateTires = Tire;
washCar = Wash;
speed = s;
public void accelerate(int delta)

if (speed > 100)
speed += delta;
if (speed <= 80)
Garage.caution(CName + " Going");
else if (speed > 80 && speed < 100)
Garage.caution("hi " + CName + " take Caution");

else if (speed > 100)
Garage.expiry("Oh man " + CName + " is Dead");


public void process(Garage.CarDelegate c)


class Garage
public delegate void cautionDelegate(String msg);
public delegate void expiryDelegate(String msg);
public delegate void CarDelegate(Car c);
public static cautionDelegate caution;
public static expiryDelegate expiry;
public static CarDelegate card;

public static void Main() {
System.Collections.ArrayList a = new
caution = new Garage.cautionDelegate(cautionfunction);
expiry = new Garage.expiryDelegate(cautionfunction);
a.Add(new Car("0",10, true, true));
a.Add(new Car("1", 20,true, false ));
a.Add(new Car("2", 30,false , true));
a.Add( new Car("3", 40,false , false ));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
foreach (Car c in a)

card = new CarDelegate(new ServiceCenter().rotatetires);
foreach(Car c in a)
card = new Car.CarDelegate(new ServiceCenter().cleancar);
foreach(Car c in a)


public static void cautionfunction(String msg)


class ServiceCenter
public void rotatetires(Car c)
if (c.rotateTires == true)
Console.WriteLine("Roted Car " +;
public void cleancar(Car c)
if (c.washCar == true)
Console.WriteLine("Cleaned Car" +;



what is wrong with the code i get
'Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type
'ConsoleApplication1.Garage.CarDelegate' is less accessible than
' E:\VS2005_Study\Delegates.cs 49 23 ConsoleApplication1

Well, the delegate isn't available to code outside your assembly. In your
particular project it might not be a problem but the C# compiler won't let
you do it.

To solve it, make the class Garage public as well.

class Garage

Change this to:

public class Garage

Hope this helps.

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

AAV said:
what is wrong with the code i get
'Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type
'ConsoleApplication1.Garage.CarDelegate' is less accessible than method
' E:\VS2005_Study\Delegates.cs 49 23 ConsoleApplication1

The Garage class is internal, so even though you've marked the
CarDelegate delegate as public, anything outside the assembly still
won't be able to see it, which means they won't be able to understand
the parameter to Car.process.

Make the Garage class public and it should be fine.

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