"inaccessible location"



After opening a Word file from our network location, I modify it, then try to
save under a new name in the same network folder. I get an error message that
says: "The folder ____ isn't accessible. The folder may be located in an
inaccessible location, protected with a password, or the filename contains a
\ or /."

None of my files have passwords, and the filenames do not contain the slashes.
The network is only 4 computers, one of which is the Word doc server


If you installed Windows update KB885250 "MS05-011: Vulnerability
in server message block could allow remote code execution" on the
WinXP computers, try uninstalling KB885250 in Start | Control
Panel | Add/Remove Programs (if there is a "Show all updates" box
at the top of the Add/Remove Programs window, then make sure the
box is checked). This update is available as an individual
update for Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and is included in Update
Rollup 1 for Windows 2000. See
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=895900 "You cannot save a file
from your Windows XP-based or Windows 2000-based computer to a
shared folder on a file server" for more information.


Thanks, but Add/Remove Programs does not allow for the removal of that file.
I followed the MS link, and it requires me to call Microsoft... blah blah


Thanks. All I can say is, it does not work on my system, which is new as of
12/05. The Add/Remove Programs function does not allow me to delete just that
file. How do I get MS to address this?


Since you have a new computer, I'm guessing you have Windows XP.
The update should be listed as a separate item in Add/Remove
Programs. You say "does not allow me to delete". Why not? What
happens when you try?

Microsoft *HAS* addressed this issue in the KB895900 article I
cited in my original reply. You can uninstall the KB885250
update from all of the computers that you installed the update
on, or call Microsoft to obtain the hotfix for the KB885250
update and apply the hotfix to all of the computers that you
installed the update on. If you are unwilling to do either, then
the issue is beyond the ability of Microsoft to address.

Of course, you probably don't want to call Microsoft if you are
using illegal/pirated Microsoft software. Is that the real issue


As stated, the message is that that hotfix cannot be separately deleted.
As stated, the way MS "addressed" the issue was to point me to tech support.
So I called and now I'm on hold -again - for 20 minutes.
BTW, I resent your crack about illegal software.


"As stated" WHERE??? Certainly not by you. The KB885250 update
CAN be separately deleted (unless you got it as part of Windows
2000 post-SP4 Update Rollup 1, which is unlikely since you have a
new computer). I told you exactly how to delete the update in my
original reply. You didn't obtain the hotfix for the update, so
you obviously can't delete what you don't have. Sorry for trying
to answer your question. I won't make that mistake again.

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