Inability to get past load up



I can't get my laptop (running XP Home) past an error message saying that
Windows Explorer has recovered from an error. Every time I try and cancel
the error message, my computer restarts and the cycle repeats. I can run my
spyware programs and antivirus programs while the warning message is up, but
no windows system programs, such as explorer, control panel, help and support
etc. There are no viruses or spyware present. Also, I shut all extraneous
processes down. I know this is very general, but I really have no idea what
is going on. Could anyone please help me? Am i going to have to do a
reformat and reinstallation, as I have never done this on a laptop.

R. McCarty

Boot to Safe Mode (F8), try the operations that trigger the error in
normal mode. If they do not reproduce, then your issue is either a
driver or application problem. If the problems do appear then your
system is corrupted in some way and a Repair install is called for.
Many times the last program added or Driver updated is the culprit.

While in safe mode, you should check your Event logs. Whatever
is causing the faults may be logged or you can find other errors that
may lead to a solution.


Hi Tom,

Boot into safe mode:

How to boot into Safe Mode:

You need to hit F8 during boot, just after the BIOS info switches to black
screen. Or...

Go to Start/Run/Msconfig. Boot.Ini and check off /SafeBoot. Apply/Ok,

Once there:

Use one of these three options.

Right Click the My Computer Icon/Properties/Advanced/

1. Set Page File to 0, ok your way out and reboot. Then follow the same
procedure and reset the Page File to System Managed File.

2. No Page File. Reboot. Then delete C:\Pagefile.Sys then revert the page
file setting.

3. Set the swap file size to zero, reboot. Re-set to System Managed,
reboot. Reset the Custom setting, reboot.

You Receive a "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error" Message After
Every Restart;EN-US;q317277

Windows XP Problems if Your Profile Is Damaged;EN-US;Q326688

Good luck and keep us posted!

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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