"In Progress" message box



Is it possible to display an "in progress" message while a function is
working, then turn it off when the function is complete?

Dirk Goldgar

Carol Giannini said:
Is it possible to display an "in progress" message while a function is
working, then turn it off when the function is complete?

Sure. Build it as a form, open the form when you start your function,
and close it when you exit the function. Depending on what the function
is doing, you may need to execute the DoEvents statement after opening
the form to make sure it gets fully displayed.

Albert D. Kallal

I have a nice box that looks VERY much like a windows progress bar (like the
ones you see during a download).

This box can run while you run something (and, it is can even progress by
its self).

Try downloading and running the "super easy word merge" here:

If you run the above...and look at the form...there is a "sample" button to
try and run the progress bar...

Bas Cost Budde

Albert said:
I have a nice box that looks VERY much like a windows progress bar (like the
ones you see during a download).

This box can run while you run something (and, it is can even progress by
its self).

Try downloading and running the "super easy word merge" here:

Hmm... neat.

I noticed the LinesOfCode on your page--did you ever check FindName and
FindCode on mine? They're under Tools

Jesper F

you may need to execute the DoEvents statement after
opening the form to make sure it gets fully displayed.

I've used me.repaint in order to update a progress form
(or the screen). Should DoEvents be used instead?


Albert - unfortunately, my network settings won't let me download this. If
you see this, could I prevail upon you to send me the file via e-mail?
(e-mail address removed). Thanks!

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