In PP how to select text box with several lines



I have several text boxes in a slide which I wish to animate. I can select
the text boxes with only one line of text without any problems by clicking
the border of the text box, but for those with more than one line of text the
mouse click only selects portions of the text. Help! David Bowers.


It seems like you have many textboxes. Not sure what you want to do. What do
you mean by only portions of the text is selected? If you want to animate the
textbox, just click on the border of the textbox, then add the effect you
want under custom animation. If you want to highlight all the text in the
textbox, move your mouse over the text, and click on it. Then, press and hold
Ctrl-A on the keyboard to highlight all the text.

Is that what you want?
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint


Dear Tohlz,

I do have several text boxes which I created first in a Word document along
with some auotoshapes and arrows. The latter objects I can select (then
animate) with no trouble, but not the whole of a text box. When I say only
portions of the text is selected I mean that only a few words are selected.
The porion that is selected depends on where abouts I click the textbox
border. I have tried clicking a box then Ctrl A but this does not
unfortunately select the whole of the text box. I am not having any trouble
slecting text boxes with only one word in them. However, I am very grateful
that you took the time and trouble to try and help me out, that was very kind
of you. I will keep trying! Regard, David Bowers


I'm guessing that you are talking about text that overflows your textbox.
This happens when you copy n paste many text into the textbox. A workaround
is to right click on the textbox, click Format Placeholder.
Then click textbox tab and put a checkmark to resize autoshape to fit text.
Otherwise, reduce the font so that the words fit in the textbox.
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Contains tutorials on creating amazing animations for your PowerPoint

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