In need to link Columns between sheets of a workbook?



I have a worksheet that I use to log the process of contract negotiations. I
have set up columns that correspond to a data point and rows corresponding
with the specific contract. My client thinks that the log I have is to
detailed for their use, and frankly they don't need all the information in
the log. I was hoping to be able to create a summary sheet that would only
include the columns that the client requires, however it doesn't seem to be
possible to copy whole columns (including the cell formatting) without going
cell by cell. Is there a way to link the sheets without going cell to cell,
so that as I update the more detailed log, the summary log will be
automatically updated?

Gord Dibben

You can link entire columns or ranges at one go.

Select A1:A100 and copy.

Switch to new sheet and select A1 and Edit>Paste Special>Paste Link>OK>Esc

Then Edit>Paste Special>Formats>OK>Esc

But added or deleted rows or format changes in source sheet would not be
reflected in new sheet.

Or in new sheet A1 enter =IF(SHeet1!A1="","",SHeet1!A1)

Drag/copy that down way past where you currently need..........unfilled
cells will look blank until filled later.

That won't give you formatting however.

You could try to create some Custom Views for each client. That is one

Or a VBA solution?

See Ron de Bruin's site for copying filtered data to another sheet.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Not sure what you want..

If you enter the following in A1 of Sheet1
=Sheet2!A1 then whatever you have in A1 of Sheet2 will showup in A1 of Sheet1

If you enter
=Sum(Sheet1!A1:D1) you willl get the sum of A1-D1...

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