$ in Excel cells won't appear



I have imported some numbers from a data base and would like to convert them
into $. I select the entire column, click on $, but nothing happens. The
numbers don't change with the dollars sign in front of them. The numbers ONLY
change when I select each individual cell and press ENTER.


The numbers from the data base were likely imported as text values. Thus,
applying a new number format will have no effect until the data is re-entered.

To easily convert all of the text values to numbers:

Enter a 1 into any blank cell
Copy that cell
Select your range of data to convert
From the Edit Menu, select "Paste Special..."
Click the "Values" and "Multiply" options
Click OK
Delete the 1 you entered originally

You should now be able to apply new number formats to your data.



I have imported some numbers from a data base and would like to convert them
into $. I select the entire column, click on $, but nothing happens. The
numbers don't change with the dollars sign in front of them. The numbers ONLY
change when I select each individual cell and press ENTER.

What version of Excel are you using? I have had this issue before
with '03. To correct it, go to tools>options and on the calculation
tab make sure that 'automatic' is selected. If it is set to manual,
you will have to do what you are currently are doing.


Dear Elkar,
Thank you for your precise, fast, and efficient answer. IT WORKED!
Thanks a million..

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