In a column, how can I capitalize ALL text?



I am highlighting a column. I assume there must be a way to capitalize ALL
text in the column without actually doing it manually.....Please reply like I
am a 5 year old and tell EXACTLY where to go from the beginning to the
end....I am very new at this and have been at it for hours...again please be
very basic with me....I THANK YOU!



Say you want to capitalise Column A. Put this in B1 and drag down:-



Sandy Mann

Assuming the column of data you want to change is in Column Astarting from
1 Insert a new Column B clicking into the 'B' of the column and selecting:
Insert > Columns

2 Enter in B2 then formula:
this will put the contents of A1 in B1 in upper case

3 Select cell B1 and hover the cursor over the bottom right-hand corner of
cell B1, (where there is a small black square). When it changes from a big
white cross into black cross-hairs double left-click and the foruma will be
copied down Column B as far as the data goes in Column A.

4 With the new data still selected, right-click and select copy then select
cell A1 and right-click and select Paste Special > Values. This will enter
the upper case data into Column A

5 Finally select and delete the helper Column B


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace with


I thank you for your response very much.....however, I am not sure exactly
what you mean by "drag down"....the first cell is the only one that is do i get the hundreds of others to captalize too? THANK



Sandy Mann said:
Assuming the column of data you want to change is in Column Astarting from
1 Insert a new Column B clicking into the 'B' of the column and selecting:
Insert > Columns

2 Enter in B2 then formula:
this will put the contents of A1 in B1 in upper case

3 Select cell B1 and hover the cursor over the bottom right-hand corner of
cell B1, (where there is a small black square). When it changes from a big
white cross into black cross-hairs double left-click and the foruma will be
copied down Column B as far as the data goes in Column A.

4 With the new data still selected, right-click and select copy then select
cell A1 and right-click and select Paste Special > Values. This will enter
the upper case data into Column A

5 Finally select and delete the helper Column B


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace with

David Biddulph

In row 1 of a blank column, in the first cell type the formula =UPPER(A1)
[replacing A by the column letter of the column you are tyring to process].
Accept that formula, select that cell, then hover your mouse over the the
bottom right-hand corner of that cell so that the cursor changes to a +
sign, click and drag that down your blank column for as many rows as you've
got entries in the column you are trying to process.
Your new column should now be the equivalent in capitals of your original

If you want to replace the original by the capitalised version, select the
column with the capitalised version, copy, then select the original column,
Edit/ Paste Special/ Values, and OK. This should paste your new values over
the old ones, so you can now delete the column where you calculated the
capitalised version.

Gord Dibben

Drag down means to select the fill handle of B1 with left click and drag.

The formulas will copy and increment as you drag/copy down column B.

Easier method would be to double-click on the fill handle of B1 to copy down to
end of data in column A.

The fill handle is the little black cross that appears when you hover the cursor
over the black square at bottom right of the cell.........B1 in this case.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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