improper CPU speed



I have Windows XP and when I started my computer a couple
of days ago there was a warning message saying "During
the last boot up, your system hung for an improper CPU
speed setting. To optimize the system performance and
reliability, make sure the CPU speed conforms to the
speed of your CPU"

Does anyone know how to fix this


That is in ur bios go into your bios and it may allow u to
overclock ur cpu.... Read the manual..... it may help
setting it a little lower..... Better yet in your bios u
may have an option to load fail safe settings i recommend


If you haven't been trying to overclock your CPU or otherwise tinker with
BIOS settings then try...

Checking that the CPU fan is still working and that the heatsink isn't full
of dust. Mine filled up with crud in about 9 months.

It could also be a memory problem. See last post here...
Try finding a memory test program on the internet.

A faulty or under rated power supply is also a possibility...


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