Impossibly slow browsing


no leaf clover

Dear great leader, im writing in frustration and asking that you appease the
browser gods and make a sacrifice or offering of your choice TO FIX this
abomination of a browser that ships inside vista! Please for the sake of
humanities future FIX THE DARN THING.
I upgraded 2 pcs on my network to vista ultimate and feel like i was
blantently ripped off, the surf speeds are imposibly slow. What gives?
I tried the stack disable trick and that did nothing but make it worse.

Please how do you fix this?
I am 1 step from blowing this aweful OS away and reinstalling XP.
I should note that the lone xp machine i have on this network is almost 7
years olds and SMOKES vista in surfing and its on a wireless connection in
another room, 1 vista is hardwired and 1 vista is wireless and it makes zero

HELP ME !! ((gurgling sounds of chokeing))


no leaf clover said:
Dear great leader, im writing in frustration and asking that you appease
browser gods and make a sacrifice or offering of your choice TO FIX this
abomination of a browser that ships inside vista! Please for the sake of
humanities future FIX THE DARN THING.
I upgraded 2 pcs on my network to vista ultimate and feel like i was
blantently ripped off, the surf speeds are imposibly slow. What gives?
I tried the stack disable trick and that did nothing but make it worse.

Please how do you fix this?
I am 1 step from blowing this aweful OS away and reinstalling XP.
I should note that the lone xp machine i have on this network is almost 7
years olds and SMOKES vista in surfing and its on a wireless connection in
another room, 1 vista is hardwired and 1 vista is wireless and it makes

HELP ME !! ((gurgling sounds of chokeing))

Try turning the phishing filter off.. it can take a while for it to check
each site when there are a lot on a page.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

no leaf clover said:
Dear great leader, im writing in frustration and asking that you appease
browser gods and make a sacrifice or offering of your choice TO FIX this
abomination of a browser that ships inside vista! Please for the sake of
humanities future FIX THE DARN THING.
I upgraded 2 pcs on my network to vista ultimate and feel like i was
blantently ripped off, the surf speeds are imposibly slow. What gives?
I tried the stack disable trick and that did nothing but make it worse.

Please how do you fix this?
I am 1 step from blowing this aweful OS away and reinstalling XP.
I should note that the lone xp machine i have on this network is almost 7
years olds and SMOKES vista in surfing and its on a wireless connection in
another room, 1 vista is hardwired and 1 vista is wireless and it makes

What anti-virus do you have?
Do you have all the updates?

no leaf clover

I have mcafee security center on the hard wired machine and no AV on the
Ive tried uninstalling the AV to see if its a firewall issue but its not.
When i disable the phish filter it actually makes it worse.So thats not the
Dell tech has given up it as well after the 5th call.

Im at wits end over this.
My next step before killing vista off is to try a new router unit but thats
an option I hate to think about.
Any other options?

no leaf clover

I should add that Firefox and netscape to exactly the same thing.
If I happen to log into a popular online game I have zero issue! odd huh.
Last night I let it ping yahoo for nearly 2 hours with zero interupts.
Go figure.


no leaf clover said:
I should add that Firefox and netscape to exactly the same thing.
If I happen to log into a popular online game I have zero issue! odd huh.
Last night I let it ping yahoo for nearly 2 hours with zero interupts.
Go figure.

Try changing your DNS servers, they can have a big impact if they are slow
or if you are losing packets.


no said:
I should add that Firefox and netscape to exactly the same thing.

so that let's you know that it's not a browser problem, not phishing
filter, etc

try downloading a long email and you'll most liklely experience the same
bad condition
If I happen to log into a popular online game I have zero issue! odd huh.

not odd, because that's UDP, not TCP
Last night I let it ping yahoo for nearly 2 hours with zero interupts.
Go figure.

ping is ICMP, not UDP, so that's what you'd expect

expect the same with traceroute

your problem is the new TCP/IP stack not getting along with other
equipment - whether due to autotuning or something else

unless M$ lets you roll back to a previous winsock.dll, then the options
seem limited - like finding a router that Vista's "improvements" won't
mess up

I wish I'd known this before choosing to go with Vista instead of XP

In fact, you might try using your winsock.dll from XP

I would do it myself except that my access to broadband is only occasional

no leaf clover

If it was as simple as not using IE I would not have posted a plea for help.
Ie , FF, netscape, they all do the same thing. time out over and over and
only connect to a site 1 in 4 tries. Interestingly enough, if im playing an
online game i never have any issues.


no said:
I tried the stack disable trick and that did nothing but make it worse.

are you sure that you did?

because after I had posted the link to the instructions for NETSH, I
looked more closely and saw that the instructions contained an error.
If you only followed the posted instructions, you would be told that
there was no such command. In other words, you would not have actually
tried the fix, since the change was never made.

no leaf clover

Bump? please anyone else have any suggestions to try?
next stop is a whole new network router. after that its by by vista and
welcome home XP.We missed you.

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