Impossible envoyer mail sous Vista avec Norton....Que faire? (in french, if possible, or in english


Alain Chateau

I bought 2 months ago a PC hp under Vista Ed famil, and I receive my mails
correctly with Windows Mail, but not able to send anything!!!(even this
message!!)!!!! I have Norton antivirus for trying, during, at least now 15
days...) and my ISP told me that my "paramètres" (sorry: I don't know the
word in english!) are correct.....What can I do? What may I do? I'm not
crazy about computers, but just user as everybody, I suppose............ I
have to indicate that my Internet connction works in local, Wifi, and, till
4 days, I didn't have any possibilitie to download anything. I had to call
to an optical fiber technician, 'cause that's the way may connection
functions..............(Sorry for my very bad english....Hope you'll be
Thanks for any reply or answer, technically abled for me!

Alain (from France, Reims, Eastern of this country!!!!)


Alain Chateau a écrit...

I bought 2 months ago a PC hp under Vista Ed famil, and I receive my
mails correctly with Windows Mail, but not able to send
anything!!!(even this message!!)!!!!

Quels sont les symptômes ? Quel est le message d'erreur précis (le
sélectionner --> Ctrl+C pour le copier --> Ctrl+V pour le coller) ?
I have Norton antivirus for
trying, during, at least now 15 days...) and my ISP told me that my
"paramètres" (sorry: I don't know the word in english!) are
correct.....What can I do? What may I do? I'm not crazy about
computers, but just user as everybody, I suppose............ I have
to indicate that my Internet connction works in local, Wifi, and,
till 4 days, I didn't have any possibilitie to download anything. I
had to call to an optical fiber technician, 'cause that's the way may
connection functions..............(Sorry for my very bad
english....Hope you'll be indulgent!) Thanks for any reply or answer,
technically abled for me!



Luc Burnouf [MVP]

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Alain Chateau said:
I bought 2 months ago a PC hp under Vista Ed famil, and I receive my mails
correctly with Windows Mail, but not able to send anything!!!(even this
message!!)!!!! I have Norton antivirus for trying, during, at least now 15
days...) and my ISP told me that my "paramètres" (sorry: I don't know the
word in english!) are correct.....What can I do? What may I do? I'm not
crazy about computers, but just user as everybody, I suppose............ I
have to indicate that my Internet connction works in local, Wifi, and,
till 4 days, I didn't have any possibilitie to download anything. I had to
call to an optical fiber technician, 'cause that's the way may connection
functions..............(Sorry for my very bad english....Hope you'll be
Thanks for any reply or answer, technically abled for me!

Alain (from France, Reims, Eastern of this country!!!!)
You're more likely to get an answer in French in you ask in newsgroup:

Your English is better than the French of most of the people in
the vista.mail newsgroup.

Are messages you've been trying to send piling up in your Outbox?
If so move these messages to your Drafts folder or delete them. If
any refuse to do either, download and install this hotfix, with Windows
Mail not running:

If you want to see it described in French first, click on the triangle
under Article Translations, then French, then the arrow to the right
of the triangle.

Although it's labelled as for messages stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit version of
Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for the 32-bit version first.
Certain common antivirus programs, such as most of those from Norton
or McAfee, tend to cause stuck messages and other problems in
Windows Mail, so remember where to find this hotfix and hope it will
install again if you need it again. A recent version of the Trend antivirus
program also causes problems in Windows Mail.

This hotfix is also available as part of the Vista SP1 update, but that
takes longer to install.

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