Importing .MOV files into WMM

  • Thread starter Thread starter pedro santana
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pedro santana

WHY does MS not change WMM to accept .MOV imports. It is a d%^& decision
because MANY MANY digital cameras make .MOV videos. Microsoft losing a lot of
business to macs! Now that I have my own .MOV making digital cam, I am
definitely switching to MAC next upgrade, not Win7, just like in the MAC
commercials. WHY does Microsoft keep this hard headed attitude? .MOV may be
an Apple format, but nothing stops you from adding .mov to your importable
formats. It ISNT'T even a legal issue, and if it was, you would still benefit
from playing fair, MS. BTV, MS MVP's, its just arrogant to reply "WMM does
not support .MOV." At least work on making it support .MOV or give a darn
good and valid reason.

BTW, if someone wants to import a .mov file into WMM, no need to convert
file. Just change the extension of the file to .avi. WMM will then see it in
the import process, and you can import it. Just make sure you have all the
latest codec packs installed. It actually works, but still a pain.
You seem to have the misconception that MS MVP's are some type of hired help
for MS and have a hand in the development of MS Applications to suit you.

We are all unpaid volunteers who assist those with problems in these new

We have some limited input into the development by way of stating our
opinions to those who do the actual work, but no more than yourself.

We would like to see improvements as much as you do, but please do not
accuse of of arrogance when answes do not please you or tell us to give you
"a darn good and valid reason" for Applications not working as you think
they should.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
pedro santana said:
WHY does MS not change WMM to accept .MOV imports. It is a d%^& decision
because MANY MANY digital cameras make .MOV videos. Microsoft losing a lot
business to macs! Now that I have my own .MOV making digital cam, I am
definitely switching to MAC next upgrade, not Win7, just like in the MAC
commercials. WHY does Microsoft keep this hard headed attitude? .MOV may
an Apple format, but nothing stops you from adding .mov to your importable
formats. It ISNT'T even a legal issue, and if it was, you would still
from playing fair, MS. BTV, MS MVP's, its just arrogant to reply "WMM does
not support .MOV." At least work on making it support .MOV or give a darn
good and valid reason.

BTW, if someone wants to import a .mov file into WMM, no need to convert
file. Just change the extension of the file to .avi. WMM will then see it
the import process, and you can import it. Just make sure you have all the
latest codec packs installed. It actually works, but still a pain.

As an addendum to Gord's reply, many digital cameras have .AVI movies, too.
Both my Canons save video as .AVI, not .MOV.

As far as you switching to Mac, go right ahead. Personally, I find their ads
very misleading. I've upgraded 3 PC's (1 notebook and 2 desktops) and I
haven't had to "move" anything yet. All three of them booted up into Windows
7 with everything that was there before still there and functioning, with no
moving involved.

So y'all have fun now, ya heah?
SC Tom
WHY does MS not change WMM to accept .MOV imports.

BTW, if someone wants to import a .mov file into WMM, no need to convert
file. Just change the extension of the file to .avi.

Sorted :)