Importing data into an existing workbook


Bob Reynolds

I have data on the company's server that can be exported in comma
deliminated format and when I import and open, the header row is complete.
My question is how do I, when importing, get the various headers to import
into an existing header I have, with different names.
How do I get the imported data into the headers I want each time that I
import these files.
Bob Reynolds


I think there are two ways:
1) You can import the data in a new workbook, rearrange the columns as in
the destination workbook and then copy the data in your destination
2) you can write a macro to import the data directly in your workbook in the
right position...

Hoping to be helpful

Franz Verga

Bob Reynolds

Thank you, I'm trying to do this without intervention so that everyone (20
employees in the bureau) can simply download the information and have it
automatically be placed where it needs to. My problem is I don't know that
much about VB or Macro's to do this.
So if someone can help with vb programming or a macro to
look at the imported information, with 20 rows of data and import into my
existing worksheet that already has information in it.
Something like:
A1 = LName
A2 = FName
A3 = ERName
A4 = ERaddr1
A5 = ERaddr2
A6 = City etc. all of these would be column headers with 20 rows of info
A1 = CLastName
A2 = CFirstName
A3 = EmployersName
A4 = EmployerAddress
A5 = EmployerExtension
A6 = City..... etc....

I need to import this and not disturb existing data, but add onto the

imported into

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