If you have a second drive, you may be already be backing up files
from your primary drive.
I head for the "batch file drawer" first since they work so well using
all Windows OSes.
Consider having the 2nd drive as a FAT 32. (Mine is pretty small)
You won't get those "Permission issues" with those files if you have
to restore.
:: Backup files from c: drive to thumbdrive pause
@echo off
:: Is the thumb driver loaded ? I should delete it and use the space.
TASKLIST /FI "ImageName eq LaunchPad.exe" > c:\Bat\LaunchThere.txt /FO
find LaunchThere.txt "LaunchPad.exe"
if not errorlevel 1 goto DontReload
cd \
cd Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\Addr_Book.zip i:\backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\impt_txt.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\lmtd_bks.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\wrdbckup.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y WordPerf.zip i:\backup
xcopy /d /y PhoneBook.zip i:\backup
dir i:\backup
:: show dir listing for 5 secs.
ping -n 6>NUL
from your primary drive.
I head for the "batch file drawer" first since they work so well using
all Windows OSes.
Consider having the 2nd drive as a FAT 32. (Mine is pretty small)
You won't get those "Permission issues" with those files if you have
to restore.
:: Backup files from c: drive to thumbdrive pause
@echo off
:: Is the thumb driver loaded ? I should delete it and use the space.
TASKLIST /FI "ImageName eq LaunchPad.exe" > c:\Bat\LaunchThere.txt /FO
find LaunchThere.txt "LaunchPad.exe"
if not errorlevel 1 goto DontReload
cd \
cd Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\Addr_Book.zip i:\backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\impt_txt.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\lmtd_bks.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y c:\backup\wrdbckup.zip i:\Backup
xcopy /d /y WordPerf.zip i:\backup
xcopy /d /y PhoneBook.zip i:\backup
dir i:\backup
:: show dir listing for 5 secs.
ping -n 6>NUL